4月17日(金曜日)にサイパンに住んでいる人達で、自分達の島をきれいにしようと【アイランドワイドクリーンアップ】の呼びかけをしています。 会社やボランティアグループ、NPO等、それぞれがどこかの地区もしくはビーチのクリーンアップをします。(植樹でもOKです。)
Island Wide Cleanup sign ups begin
The first 50 people have signed up for the Island Wide Cleanup slated to take place on April 17, 2009. The Saipan Mayor’s Office and the Office of Personnel Management were the first organizations to turn in their sign up sheets.
The Office of Personnel Management has adopted the Garapan Fishing Base and has pledged to recruit 20 volunteers to help beautify the area. Likewise, the Saipan Mayor’s Office has adopted Beach Road from Afetnas to Koblerville and has pledged 30 staff for roadside trash collection.
“Our first two signups adopted the roads and areas near their offices. This is what we envisioned when we started planning this cleanup,” said co-organizer Joe Kaipat of Division of Environmental Quality. “We hope to get at least 5000 volunteers this year,” he added.
According to the organizers, the goal of this year’s island wide cleanup is to recruit at least 5000 volunteers to spend a few hours beautifying the islands, whether it is by picking up litter on a road or beach, painting over graffiti, planting a few trees, or participating in some other activity.
The cleanup organizers are encouraging participants to adopt a spot near their homes, offices, or schools, although some organizations will adopt beaches and/or tourist sites.
The organizers are encouraging the community to get involved as much as possible.
Event co-organizer Angelo Villagomez said, “It would be great if we could get a few families to the roads near their homes. We want people to take ownership and responsibility for the upkeep of their areas of the island.”
The Marianas Visitors Authority is providing funds for garbage bags, rubber gloves, and some paint and the Division of Environmental Quality has pledged to assist with transferring solid waste collected to the transfer station in Lower Base. Supplies, if needed, will be available for pickup at the Division of Environmental Quality.
Division of Environmental Quality, Rotary Club of Saipan, Marianas Visitors Authority, and Marianas Tourism Education Council are the co-organizers the island wide cleanup.
For more information on the how to participate in the cleanup, contact Joe Kaipat at 664-8500 or Angelo Villagomez at 285-6462 or via Email at angelovillagomez@gmail.com.
【PACIFIC EAGLE ENTERPRISES INC.】 撮影やイベントのリサーチングやコーディネートを行っております。
BBQ with TV crew
アメリカのTV局NBCがMariana Trench(マリアナ海洋国定公園)についてや支援してきたFriends of the Monument、そして3カ所位のダイビングスポットの取材をしてくれます。
ブッシュ前大統領によって、【青の遺産】の一つとして2009年1月に認定されたました。 今はオバマ大統領になりましたが、引き続きこのマリアナ海洋記念の発展に協力して頂けるようにとカブレラ会長がインタビューに答えていました。
先日、前First LadyからFriends of the Monumentに頂いたお礼状です。
NBCのプライムタイムのニュース枠で放映してくれるそうです。 小さな島の宝の資源をアピール出来るといいですね。
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
NBC crew here to do feature on Friends of the Monument
By Haidee V. Eugenio
A team from national television network NBC is currently on Saipan to do a series of stories on the Friends of the Monument, which was the main proponent of the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument.
Angelo Villagomez of the Friends of the Monument said the three-member NBC crew will do a feature on the events of 2008 on Saipan that led to the Jan. 6, 2009, declaration of then-President George W. Bush of 190,000 square miles of ocean as marine monuments, including the 95,000-square mile Marianas Trench Marine National Monument.
The Marianas Trench Marine National Monument is an area around the three northernmost islands in the CNMI-Uracas or Farallon de Pajaros, Maug and Asuncion.
Villagomez said the NBC team, which arrived early yesterday morning, will also be featuring the “wonders” of the Marianas, which will take them to some of the most popular dive spots in the CNMI.
“They will also be talking about how the Marine Monument will be enforced and managed, so they will be talking to the U.S. Coast Guard and other federal agencies. There will also be talks with a research ship that's doing studies on volcanoes off Rota,” said Villagomez.
He said NBC is just one of the many national and international media firms that have taken an interest in the Friends of the Monument and the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency earlier announced that the Friends of the Monument are the recipients of the 2009 EPA Environmental Award, which recognizes individuals and groups outside of the USEPA who are making significant contributions to improve the environment. The ceremony will take place on April 16.
ブッシュ前大統領によって、【青の遺産】の一つとして2009年1月に認定されたました。 今はオバマ大統領になりましたが、引き続きこのマリアナ海洋記念の発展に協力して頂けるようにとカブレラ会長がインタビューに答えていました。
先日、前First LadyからFriends of the Monumentに頂いたお礼状です。
NBCのプライムタイムのニュース枠で放映してくれるそうです。 小さな島の宝の資源をアピール出来るといいですね。
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
NBC crew here to do feature on Friends of the Monument
By Haidee V. Eugenio
A team from national television network NBC is currently on Saipan to do a series of stories on the Friends of the Monument, which was the main proponent of the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument.
Angelo Villagomez of the Friends of the Monument said the three-member NBC crew will do a feature on the events of 2008 on Saipan that led to the Jan. 6, 2009, declaration of then-President George W. Bush of 190,000 square miles of ocean as marine monuments, including the 95,000-square mile Marianas Trench Marine National Monument.
The Marianas Trench Marine National Monument is an area around the three northernmost islands in the CNMI-Uracas or Farallon de Pajaros, Maug and Asuncion.
Villagomez said the NBC team, which arrived early yesterday morning, will also be featuring the “wonders” of the Marianas, which will take them to some of the most popular dive spots in the CNMI.
“They will also be talking about how the Marine Monument will be enforced and managed, so they will be talking to the U.S. Coast Guard and other federal agencies. There will also be talks with a research ship that's doing studies on volcanoes off Rota,” said Villagomez.
He said NBC is just one of the many national and international media firms that have taken an interest in the Friends of the Monument and the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency earlier announced that the Friends of the Monument are the recipients of the 2009 EPA Environmental Award, which recognizes individuals and groups outside of the USEPA who are making significant contributions to improve the environment. The ceremony will take place on April 16.
Josh Reichert on the Marinas Trench Marine National Monument
アメリカのTV局からニュース取材に来るようです。 アメリカの人達に知名度のないサイパンが紹介されるということは大きな一歩だと思います。
そう言えば先日のTV番組の収録で【Saipan Zoo】に行ってきました。
どの動物もすごくフレンドリーで、ポップコーンを持っていると寄ってきます。 動物との距離が短く感じて、ある意味癒されました。
Zoo Keeperさんとかわいいコウモリ君です。 目がとってもかわいいですね。
そう言えば先日のTV番組の収録で【Saipan Zoo】に行ってきました。
どの動物もすごくフレンドリーで、ポップコーンを持っていると寄ってきます。 動物との距離が短く感じて、ある意味癒されました。
Zoo Keeperさんとかわいいコウモリ君です。 目がとってもかわいいですね。
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